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It is a technique used to treat a range of muscular disorders and pains, such as lower back pain, neck pain, migraines, knee and shoulder pain, caused by the so-called "trigger points."

Trigger point therapy aims to reduce or eliminate these areas of tension through tools such as the Foam Roller and the Massage Set, which are specifically designed to apply targeted and controlled pressure on them. This pressure releases the accumulated tension in the trigger point, leading to pain relief and a reduction in muscle tension.


Trigger points are usually perceivable to the touch as a knot or a small lump. The dimensions can vary from the head of a pin to a marble, but above all it is possible to recognize them by the great pain that is felt by pressing them.

If we look at a trigger point under a microscope, we can see how the muscle fibers affected by it are characterized by bulb-shaped nodes that provide rigidity and hardness to the taut band.

muscle trigger point therapy myofascial reelease deep tissue

When these trigger points are created in the muscles, in the area surrounding them the blood flow is interrupted, causing a lack of oxygen and an accumulation of waste products of the metabolism.

The trigger point reacts to this critical situation by sending pain signals to the brain which in turn orders the muscle to rest. As a result, the muscle stops functioning completely starting to stiffen and shorten, causing problems in the fluidity of the movements.


The typical symptom caused by a trigger point is referred pain. It is perceived as a deep and overwhelming pain that can become more and more acute during movements.

Usually pains in the joints such as knees, shoulders and wrists are commonly caused by trigger points in the associated muscles which cause referred pain. For example, in most cases of back pain there is always a myofascial component connected to the trigger points. For this reason, the Foam Roller and the Massage Set are perfect allies for working on these points, aiming to loosen or completely eliminate them.


Our body is made up of bands, they are a layer of connective tissue that completely covers our muscles, blood vessels and nerves. They join some structures and allow others to slide one over the other.

This connective tissue extends continuously from the head to the toes.

The function of these bands is to reduce friction and minimize the reduction of muscle strength. In doing so, they create a smooth environment for the muscles, hold the organs suspended, transmit movement from the muscles to the bones and create support for the nerves and blood vessels that pass through the muscles.


It can happen that due to physical stress, psychological stress or simply due to incorrect posture, these bands contract and stretch. This creates overlaps and adhesions in the fibers, which in turn stiffen the muscles causing pain during movements and contractures in the muscles. If the bands are rigid and tense, they cannot fully transmit energy to the muscles, which will not make the most of their strength. As a result, the nervous system will not be able to coordinate movements in a fluid and natural way.


The purpose of the Foam Roller an Massage Set is to work on this elastic tissue, taking advantage of the pressure of your body to create an induced myofascial release massage. In this way, it is possible to lengthen and target the bands, improving circulation, making the muscles elastic and reactivating their functions. The massage acts on the interstitial fluid, the “lubricant of the muscles”, allowing an increase in the fluidity of movements and freeing from tension, stagnation and stasis.


During the exercise we have to imagine our body as a set of muscle lines and not as a single muscle. In fact, the muscles, through the bands, are structured in long myofascial lines, on which we can work specifically with an induced self-massage:

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fascia muscles body

After the purchase you will receive via email a guide on the Trigger Point Therapy and Myofascial release with a training program with the main exercises to train the whole body (legs, arms, back, buttocks).
The goal is to enable you to use the products in the best and most conscious way, obtaining from them the maximum benefits!"

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