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Pursuant to article 13 of the Code regarding the protection of personal data (Legislative Decree 196/03) we inform you of the following.




The owner of the data is KALAHARI SRL, sole proprietorship, with registered office in S. Mauro To., via delle pietre 31A, Italy, zipcode 10099.




The data are processed at the company's registered office and at the IT service providers.


All data are processed by staff in charge, trained and specifically authorized, including the staff who takes care of site maintenance operations.


In particular, the data stored in electronic format connected to the web services and collected through the Site are stored in IT systems managed by third party suppliers of technical services.


Our web shop is hosted on, Inc provides us with the online e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our products and services. The data is stored on the databases on a secure firewall-protected server.




The user is free to provide the personal data necessary in order to execute his specific requests. Their absence can make it impossible to obtain what is requested.




When the user visits and consults the Site, the processing of the user's personal data is limited to the so-called navigation data, which is the data whose transmission to the Site is necessary for the functioning of the IT systems responsible for managing the Site and the Internet communication protocols. For example, the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site and other parameters that refer to the operating system used by the user are browsing data.


During the procedure for registering on the site or issuing orders, KALAHARI SRL also collects personal data voluntarily provided by the user, such as name, surname, tax code, address, contact details such as telephone number and e-mail address (e-mail) and other optional information such as credit card details.


Navigation data


During their normal operation, the IT systems and software procedures used to operate the Website acquire some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.


This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. However, this data is not collected to associate it with identified users and it is deleted immediately after processing anonymously. KALAHARI SRL deletes users' browsing data in compliance with the terms prescribed by the applicable legislation in particular once their need for use has ceased.


This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the Users who connect to the Site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters due to the operating system and the User's IT environment.




The "cookie" is a text file that can be stored in a dedicated space on the hard disk of the device used by the user (eg computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when the user visits the site through your browser. The cookie allows you to identify the device where the cookie is stored for the entire period of validity or registration of the cookie. The site does not use third party cookies or user profiling.


During visits to the site, information relating to navigation data received from the user's device may be stored in "cookies" installed on that device. At the time of the first visit, the user will be informed about the use of cookies with an information contained in a banner. By continuing to browse after viewing the banner, the user consents to the use of cookies.


However, it is possible to change the cookie settings at any time. Below is more information about cookies and how to manage settings related to them.

This site uses the ability to send and subsequently receive "cookies" or similar files from the Internet browser used by the user.


By monitoring the User's navigation on our Site, integrated with the use of cookies, KALAHARI SRL will:


  • compiling statistics, monitoring traffic volumes and measuring the use of the various sections of the Site (e.g. titles and content visited, click flows), in order to improve the efficiency and usability of web services;

  • calculate the total number of advertisements shown in the appropriate advertising spaces, identify them and the number of their displays, identify the number of users who click on each of them, and, when possible, the subsequent actions performed by users on these pages at in order to calculate the compensation due to commercial partners (e.g. communication and advertising agencies, websites, etc.), for aggregate statistical analysis purposes;

  • customize the presentation of the Site to the display settings of the user's device (language, screen resolution, operating system, etc.) during the visit of the same, based on the hardware, software, video software of this device;

  • customize advertising spaces to the display settings of the user's device (language, screen resolution, operating system, etc.), based on the hardware, software, video software of that device;

  • in the event that the user has provided personal data, including contact data, and has chosen to accept cookies when registering or accessing the services, the navigation data acquired through cookies may be connected to personal data of the user, for the purpose of sending advertising materials, or to show personalized advertising on the user's device in the advertising spaces that use our cookies. These are advertising messages specifically intended for the user and which could be of personal interest to the user;

  • keep the information contained in the forms filled out on the Site and information relating to some products or services selected through the Site (e.g. services to which the user has subscribed, contents of the cart, etc.);

  • allow access to restricted and customized areas, e.g. the account, based on username, password and other data to which the user has previously given access;

  • implement security measures (for example, which allow to recognize the registered user on subsequent visits after a certain period of time, by requesting to log-in again);

  • collect anonymous statistical data concerning the percentages of email delivery with respect to the sent, reading, opening of the message, forwarding to third parties, "click" numbers, etc .;

  • count unique visitors to a web page or service;

  • to elaborate aggregate statistics also regarding the functioning of our Site and the services present within it;

  • improve the performance of your Site by making User searches faster;

  • collect data relating to traffic and user interaction on the website to identify trends and to estimate our audience;

  • store information on User preferences and then customize the Website according to the specific interests of Users;

  • prevent the same advertisements from being displayed multiple times;

  • recognize the computer when the User returns to use the KALAHARI SRL website again;

  • store the products chosen and previously inserted in the User's Cart;

  • evaluate the satisfaction, always anonymously, of the services available on the site itself, including those of an advertising nature;

  • improve the User's browsing experience by suggesting the best products and promotions based on the navigation performed;

  • perform, with the consent, revocable at any time, of the Users registered in the reserved section the identification and detection of personal;

  • to proceed with the functionality of the site connected with the sale of the products and the payment of the ordered goods.


Choices related to cookies


The User, by accessing the Home Page of the Site or other pages of the Site, takes a look at the banner of brief information relating to the cookies present therein and has access to this Privacy Notice, including what specifically refers to cookies; by continuing to browse our site, the user consents to the use of cookies.


The user can deny consent to cookies by accessing this information.

It is also possible to express or modify your choices regarding the use of cookies at any time, as described below.


It is possible to configure the browser to allow the storage of cookies on your device, to automatically refuse them or to refuse some of them. It is also possible to configure the browser in such a way as to display the request for acceptance or refusal of cookies before the cookie is installed.


Refusal of cookies


In the event that the user chooses to refuse the installation of cookies on his device, or in the event of the removal of already stored cookies, it will not be possible to use the functions necessary to navigate within some sections of the Site. case, for example, of some content or services that require you to log in for access. Furthermore, in relation to technical compatibility, it may be impossible to recognize the type of browser used by the user on his device, the default language or the country from which the terminal is connected.


In the event that the user's device displays content developed with Flash technology, you will have to access the Flash cookie management tool dedicated to this by the relevant supplier.


Data provided voluntarily by the user


KALAHARI SRL collects and processes personal data that the user voluntarily provides when the user interacts with the Site and requests to take advantage of the features and services offered by the site.


The explicit and voluntary sending of the User's personal data on this Site entails the subsequent acquisition by KALAHARI SRL, necessary for the follow-up to the user's requests.


Personal data will be processed for commercial purposes, direct sales, marketing and commercial information, promotional, statistics and for the detection of consumer preferences. In any case, they are not used for profiling purposes.


The provision of data such as surname, name and e-mail address is necessary for the User to register on the Internet Site and to enter the area of ​​the Site reserved for users and will allow to follow up and perform assistance activities in the sale, as a service aimed at verifying / overcoming any technical difficulties, including user.


The provision of the aforementioned data will also allow the user to send e-mail messages for commercial promotion purposes. With consent, the user also authorizes this treatment.


The provision of data relating to general information (name, surname, full postal address, telephone number) is necessary in order to allow us to fulfill our contractual obligations, in the case of placing a purchase order and for after-sales assistance.


Credit card


The user, with the consent to the processing of data, authorizes KALAHARI SRL to keep the details of the credit card, for the sole purpose of avoiding having to re-enter them for subsequent payments.

The credit card data will be communicated to third parties for the purpose of finalizing the payment. In the "Account" section, the User can modify, register or delete the data relating to his credit card.


The provision of credit card data is not mandatory, failure to provide credit card data will prevent the payment operation from continuing with this instrument.


Furthermore, failure to provide them for registration purposes will result in the credit card details not being registered.


The data of third parties


In the area of ​​the Site dedicated to the purchase of products, the User can be provided with the opportunity to send the purchased products to third parties; in this case, the User is asked to indicate the general information and the full postal address of the recipient, to whom the selected products should be sent.


These data are used only to process the request for sending the User parcel, without making any further use. They will be canceled with the fulfillment of the order.


The user must do everything necessary to ensure that the communication of third party personal data to KALAHARI SRL and its subsequent use by it comply with the Privacy Code and the applicable legislation in relation to the purpose envisaged from time to time. For example, the user can provide third party data only after having duly informed them and having obtained their consent, if required by the Privacy Code.




The data are used in accordance with the choices that the User has freely exercised through his / her informed consent at the time of their collection or subsequently.


The data are kept for the time strictly necessary to carry out those processing operations carried out in relation to the data provided by each user, depending on his choices, preferences and indications.


The data are stored in electronic and paper format, also making use of automated tools. In any case, the security measures provided for by current legislation are adopted to prevent the loss of data, the illegitimate or illicit use of data and unauthorized access to data. Furthermore, the information systems and computer programs are configured in such a way as to minimize the use of personal and identification data that are used only when necessary for the specific processing purposes pursued from time to time. For example, personal data are recorded and stored on secure servers, access to which is controlled and allowed only to duly authorized personnel.


Users' data can be used, until otherwise indicated by the User, through remote communication techniques that allow individual communication for sending advertising material, for carrying out direct sales activities, market research or commercial communication.


Finally, the data may be communicated to the public authority in the presence of a legitimate order issued by the same and could possibly be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical information crimes against the Site itself.


Some processing of personal data may also be carried out by third parties, based in Italy and / or abroad, to whom certain technical or organizational or management activities (or part of them) functional or connected to the execution of the contractual relationship, such as the carriers for the shipment of the purchased goods, the companies that provide payment services, the subjects that keep the accounts.


In this case, the same subjects will operate as independent Data Controllers or will be designated as Data Processors or Persons in charge of the processing. The Managers or Appointees eventually designated will receive adequate operating instructions, with particular reference to the adoption of the minimum security measures, in order to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the data.


Specific directives are given to each Appointed in relation to the processing of data, instructions that the appointees are required to respect in order not to incur disciplinary sanctions and / or initiatives in court.




The interested party has the right to exercise the rights provided by art. 7 d. lgs. 196/200 and more specifically, the interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form.

The interested party has the right to obtain the indication:


a) the origin of personal data;

b) the purposes and methods of treatment;

c) the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;

d) the identity of the owner, manager and the designated representative in the territory of the Italian State, where applicable;

e) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the territory of the Italian State, managers or agents.

The interested party has the right to obtain:

a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;

b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;

c) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) above have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment it proves impossible or involves a use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

The interested party has the right to object in whole or in part:

a) for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;

b) to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.


The exercise of the above rights can be exercised directly or by conferring, in writing, a proxy or power of attorney to natural persons or associations.

Requests should be sent to: KALAHARI SRL, sole proprietorship, with registered office in S. Mauro To., via delle pietre 31A, Italy, zipcode 10099,


The document has been translated from the Italian version and in case of inaccuracies the Italian version is the one to refer to.

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